
My restaurant Judy, the embodiment of my approach to nutrition and healthy living, has been featured in:


A selection of health stories from patients

“I first came to see Dominique three years ago when I was looking for someone in Paris, who could guide me to improve my health. I just felt so rundown and I needed someone to help me put myself back together. 

I was having problems with my digestion, and after spending an hour with Dominique I learned that there was other factors that could be affecting my health that she suggested we adress together.

I was given a plan for both supplements and diet, and after following it my health rapidly changed. 

I really felt comfortable discussing everything with Dominique, and it’s because of that that we discovered some of the potential issues my body could be facing.”

- Kym Ellery, fashion designer

“It's been about six months now that I've been working with Dominque, to help sort out some health issues that are largely driven by an imbalance in my microbiome.

Dominque's 360 holistic approach to my treatment has been an invaluable resource to my overall wellbeing and I have seen genuine results that I have not seen through other more traditional approaches.”

- Matthew Doyle

“On the recommendation of a friend, I began seeing Dominique at six months postpartum to address several health issues. I am so glad that I did as it helped me through a challenging time.

Dominique is a dedicated practitioner with excellent communication skills who makes you feel at home in her clinic. During our consultations, she has provided me with knowledge and tools to implement in my everyday life to maintain my health and well being.

I would recommend Dominique without hesitation!”

- Claire, lawyer

“I contacted Dominique following a pelvic ultrasound. It turned out that the problem did not come from my ovaries, which were in good health, but from my colon, which was swollen and causing me a lot of physical and, consequently, mental discomfort.

Suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, perpetually 'constipated', I lived and thought according to my belly and its good functioning, or not, having a bowel movement once or twice a week.

My sessions with Dominique taught me to review my diet, which has since evolved. To listen to what was right for me, and what was not. The initial motivation turned into a habit. I became aware that a good diet could have a real impact on my well-being - both physical and mental - and my moods. I understood the importance of taking care of myself.

When I found out I was pregnant, I rushed to see Dominique because I knew that it was important for my body to be in good shape so that my baby could be healthy and get everything it needed.

Dominique goes beyond theory. She gives importance to our "habitat" and make us want to do the same. Because by taking care of it, we take care of ourselves.

She has this kindness, this way of listening, that soothes and invigorates.”

- Marie, architect

“I went to see Dominique three years ago on the advice of a friend. I was in the middle of pre-menopause, and was having a very hard time with violent migraines, weight gain, insomnia, fatigue, hot flashes, depressive episodes, frequent tachycardias, and I also had too much cholesterol and high blood sugar.

All the doctors and nutritionists I consulted advised me, often in an authoritarian manner, to stop eating sugar and fat. It's one thing to know what to do but it's more difficult to do it.

Dominique was wonderful, professional, she studied my analysis, questioned me about my lifestyle, my way of eating, my tastes, etc. But she was also a coach, showing psychology and empathy.

She prescribed food supplements and of course a regime, explaining to me that without change, my symptoms would not disappear. For the first time, I managed to change my way of eating without going on a strict diet.

The first year, I went to see her regularly, every three months, which supported me, then I spaced out my appointments. Many of my symptoms have completely disappeared, I was able to pass this menopausal stage, and when I still have crises, it is often when I let go of Dominique's precious advice and let myself eat badly.

One thing has fundamentally changed, I now understand what I need to do to be well and above all, when I falter, I know that all I have to do is call Dominique back, she helps me and supports me in my approach.

I recommend her to all my friends who need serious advice.”

- Kéthévane Davrichewy Anargyros

“Dominique embodies what it means to be living life to the fullest, in a health and wellbeing sense. It is not a foreign concept that one should look after oneself, and sometimes it can feel like life just seems to get in the way, especially as a busy working mum.

Dominque exudes positivity, genuine care and nurturing in this space, all whilst providing her incredible expertise. It is her calling! And so to have received ongoing health advice has been nothing short of life-changing!

For me, I have had ongoing issues with my health. A lifetime of asthma and respiratory issues, bowel issues and a sluggish lymphatic system, which has always prevented me from living my life to the fullest. After some consultations, Dominique took the time to ensure she had researched and reviewed my medical needs to offer the best solutions to support me but also to further educate me in the process. I happily created a little noticeboard in my kitchen to refer to her notes on a daily basis, to remind me of her thoughtful advice, and the results were evident.

Her caring approach allowed me to understand clearly what was required to improve my health and wellbeing and for me to implement these recommendations effectively into my daily routine. As a result of her holistic approach, all facets of my lifestyle have improved.

A heartfelt thank you Dominique!

- Stephanie Pearce, education consultant

“I have been seeing Dominique for about three years. After being diagnosed with colon cancer and subsequently undergoing a colectomy, I suffered from significant digestive problems.

My digestive system significantly changed since the surgery and the sessions with Dominique have been a huge help in helping me adapt my diet, as well as my overall lifestyle. Over the years, each session was carefully tailored to my condition at the time and a clear program was designed, leading to me feeling in a much healthier condition.

I was very appreciative of Dominique's gentle approach in carefully adapting each session, and tailoring the program that followed, towards my specific conditions at the time. Dominique is a great listener and her help has positively impacted my life.

- Colin Hunter, field recordist

“I first learned about Dominique through a podcast and her approach and philosophy resonated with me.

I booked an appointment with her as I wanted to be more proactive with my own health, more specifically lower my blood sugar level (even if they felt under the “normal” range to traditional medicine). I also had a scheduled surgery and wanted help to follow a natural approach to prepare me for the surgery and to help my recovery after it. After doing blood tests, I also discovered that my thyroid was a bit underactive.

Dominique created a program for me to address the issues and the changes I’ve implemented have helped me to sleep better, feel more energised and I also had a great recovery from surgery.

I love Dominique’s holistic approach, her patience, and the time she dedicates to her patients.”

- Roberta

"Dominique followed me throughout my pregnancy. Then she accompanied me during the first months of my daughter's life and I am very happy about that.

I needed someone to help me with all the adjustments necessary for the arrival of a baby, regarding nutrition, the change in my lifestyle...

Her kindness and support accompanied me throughout the long journey of IVF. She was present in all the moments, whether they were happy or difficult, always being available and listening.

We prepared together the birth and the arrival of the baby. Today she is still there to give me advice for me and for my little girl (immune system, food diversification, reflux problems...).

I have total confidence in her and I have applied her advice with my eyes closed.

A very precious help in parallel with a traditional medical follow-up."

- Constance

"I have known Dominique since February 2021. Since giving birth, I had strong chronic pains on the pelvic sphere, repeated urinary infections, and an intestinal dysbiosis (nausea, bloating, inflammations...) caused by the many antibiotic treatments . I could no longer eat without being sick.

Dominique looked for the root causes of the situation, gave me a complete diagnosis and very concrete solutions to get better. Her approach allowed me to quickly regain my health.

I particularly appreciate her warmth and her listening, without judgment, her practical, easy-to-apply advice, and her always being close at hand.

A beautiful person that I hope to have for a long time to come, in order to maintain my regained health."

- Sophie, executive