
For the past 10 years, I’ve been helping people manage health concerns such as anxiety, digestive problems, difficulty sleeping, emotional stress, exhaustion, fertility, hormonal imbalances and thyroid issues.

I specialise in natural health for women and children (from newborn up), and work on auto-immune issues and chronic disease as well as cancerology. Sessions can be held in French or English.

I support my clients throughout their health journey and help them make the small changes that make the big differences.

Naturopathy in a nutshell

Individual care

In naturopathy we take a whole person approach, treating the individual rather than the illness. We examine your health journey from childhood through to today, taking all facets of your lifestyle into account.


The key to preventative health is to identify and address imbalances. Naturopathy helps bring your body to balance by adapting your lifestyle and macro and micro nutritional practices to allow your body to heal and repair.


Naturopathy is a holistic approach that draws from Western and Eastern natural doctors since the time of Hippocrates. It’s recognised as a complementary medicine by the World Health Organisation.

The wisdom of the body

The intelligence of the body is undeniable; it never stops looking for its balance. Naturopathy helps return you to that place of equilibrium and autonomy, at the pace best for your body.

My training in functional medicine practices allows me to deploy biological testing to dig into all the contributing factors of any imbalances and to discover the root cause.

Functional lab tests could include bloodwork, GI tract microbiome and short chain fatty acid testing, and hormone panels for HPA axis, thyroid or fertility issues.

In my experience, the absolute basis of sustainable health and wellbeing begins with your food choices (not just what you consume, but the origin of those foods: our personal health is inextricably related to the health of the soil and the seas). 

Fun fact: it’s actually a Frenchman, Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, who’s responsible for the phrase “You are what you eat”; his version being “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are”.


2021: Diplôme inter-universitaire Micronutrition, alimentation, prévention et santé - Université Paris 5

2016: Diplôme de naturopathie - Institut Superior de Naturopathie de Paris - ISUPNAT

2016: Certification en naturopathie - Federation Française des écoles de Naturopathie



While I specialise in women’s health, I do also treat plenty of men! In our initial consult, I’ll assess your eating habits, physical activities and your emotional and psychological state. We’ll identify the points of improvement and the actions needed to undertake to address your health concerns.

I’ll create a bespoke program for you, with recommendations tailored to your lifestyle.

In-person and video consultations are available.

Initial consultation 1h15 / 150€
Follow-up 45 minutes / 100€


I support women throughout their pregnancy journey (pre and post partum), and then am available to assist the child from birth onwards.

As well as helping children naturally manage any health concerns, I also provide simple practices and explanations so they can learn to respect their bodies and the planet from an early age - the essence of prevention!

My rates for children apply to those up to 15 years of age.

45 minutes / 100€